No wedding ceremony is ever technically perfect. It’s a universal fact. However, it doesn’t mean that all weddings are doomed to be major disasters. It’s not necessarily so, given that the couple has exerted enough effort and patience to go through the planning.

The best way to avoid wedding catastrophes is to actually learn from the mistakes of previous brides. Most brides share common mistakes from what I’ve noticed after going to all those weddings. If you don’t want to be just like them avoid doing the following:

Be careless when buying a used wedding gown

Sometimes, you have to really inspect a garment before you purchase it. This applies to all items especially those that are sold under dim lighting and questionable shops. Don’t scrimp on quality just to save a few bucks; most of the time it’s really not worth it. After all, the last thing you want to happen is to walk along the aisle with a dress that’s falling apart.

Book a venue that has not been built yet

This is wrong for obvious reasons. You don’t want to risk booking a venue that you haven’t seen yet. Unless you’re wedding day isn’t going to happen in 5 years or so, stick to venues that are already out there and finished.

These are just two of the most common mistakes most brides are guilty of. Of course, when it comes to planning a wedding the two things you’ll need are patience and a good common sense.